Thursday, February 28, 2013

Don't be a Donkus!

In terms of our numbers, I'd have thought I would have been able to improve them month by month. When you take several steps back in terms of progress, it sometimes means you have to stop drinking gin and acknowledge the fact that you've been selfish with your time. It's easy to say I've quite a few pots stirring, but it's not like I have a monopoly on being "too busy". 

Long to short, I started grad school a month ago, and have also tried to counter-balance my basal state of anxiety with a load of exercise and broccoli. During the interval, I decided on my own that the comic was fine for a few weeks and concentrated on my own projects. I'm mentioning this because this is the equivalency of ignoring your day job and expecting to get paid. This webcomic more or less should be my second job, and letting it sit can potentially result in a marked drop in progress. 

Otherwise, we're at our 25th page and it is a'looking great! This comic isn't slowing down, and we haven't even scratched the surface. THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT!...sorry

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