Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Cover Art

Welcome friends, prospective readers, absolute strangers, and potential nemeses! My name is Bryant Pulley, and this is a blog I've started with a particular goal in mind. Namely, After Comic, Before Success will follow the progression, regression, and periods with little to no activity of two friends creating a comic. The comic itself, titled After, sprung from the mutual desire and collaborative effort of my BFF Katelyn Amacker and myself to pool our efforts and create something of our own.

Katelyn, or "Katy" as the Norsemen call her, is an illustrator of high talent and work ethic who has lent her skills to a number of freelance projects while maintaining a day job working for a design company. I, myself, have been writing, writing, and writing in whatever free time I can find outside of working as a lab analyst for a small biotech company. Our aim is to have After up and ready as a webcomic by this Fall. We know what we're doing in some areas, and figuring out the rest as we keep working our way along.

The above image is our first unveiling of our work. It is the cover of our first chapter, and I feel it is an appropriate representation of what is to come from the story. The art is, of course, by Katy, but the lettering and title design was made thanks to our friend Jessica Kizmann.