Wednesday, August 21, 2013

CH-CH-CH-Changes! Tiiiiiime to say good, Bry!

Hello friends,

Yes, I acknowledge that I have not updated this blog in a long while. There are reasons, and while a number of them have to do with me being lazy, I shall explain two of the more legitimate ones. 

Firstly, it just seemed as though there was more to talk about at the beginning stages of creating a comic. Conceptualizing, building, burning, and re-creating were much more rampant in the initial few months. After that, it was more or less a constant lesson of keeping at it over and over again. Maintaining your goal and keeping it's progress consistent is incredibly important, perhaps even the most important. But unfortunately it just became less and less fun to write and update about on this blog. I saw it as something that could quickly regress into sounding like a self-imposed adversity over something we choose to do (and love doing it I might add). 

Secondly, and in an more practical sense, the apparent inconvenience of having a blog separate from our comic has made me rethink the process. I'd much rather have our updates, musings, and ramblings conveniently located for all our fans to see right out our homepage. In light of this, I am happy to say that we are likely to have a new and improved website after almost exactly a year of this stripped down, amorphous blob of a site I created. There are a number of cool and significant changes that are in the works, and one of which is a more accessible, interactive, and constituent blog. I will probably keep this blogger site around for a bit more, but it's days of update and functionality are certainly drawing to a close.

Lastly, I wanted to report that we will be switching our update day from the wee hours of Wednesday night to Thursday. This is in part due to the fact that my grad school course load has me home at around 11pm on a Weds, but it is also in hopes that it will reduce our middle-of-the-week desperation in terms of comicking. We think it will be a good change, and we thank you all for continuing to read more and more, as well as put up with our occasional tom-foolery. Good night, and look for our newest page tomorrow evening!