Thursday, September 20, 2012

We Have a Webcomic!

Hey team, the website is up! I'm beyond souped! More souped than a soup-making chef even! Last night Katy and I met with a few helpful friends last night, and after a great deal of cropping, coding, swearing, and drinking we created

Firstly, I want to point out that, if you wish to visit OUR comic, do not type in Our post-apocalyptic webcomic has a very important dash between "after" and "comic", namely "". In contrast, "aftercomiccom" is a site for cartoon porn. So, if you fancy our comic, then you should type into your URL.However, if animated pornography is more your angle, visit out site instead.

More importantly, Katy and I have put have put a lot of blood and tears into this project (Mostly Katy's blood. I'm in the tear department). However, the result of our efforts would have been a mess without the help, love, and support from our friends and family. And so, thank you: Dmitry Gimzelberg and Michael Shapiro for guiding us in how to make a proper website; Katie Terezakis for providing us with a great reference material and resources; Jessica Kizmann, who was responsible for creating the title design for our first chapter; Robert Bajor; Dan Scharch; Jessica O'Brien; Jim Cottage; Christine Cuiule; Matthew Vimislik; both our families, who have been nothing short of supportive throughout all of this business; and to all the random strangers who have taken an interest in our weird, little comic.

Go to! We're updating weekly!

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