Friday, September 21, 2012

Stuff, and other things. (namely two additional thank you posts)

Hey, everyone. This is the finished I promised to post ages ago. I have been a bit busy lately, so this (posting a blog) was dropped on the back burner. I have a batch of posters for comic con that I will post soon as well. Yes, one of the privileges of following our blog is that you get to view some of our material before the others!

I have a few important "thank you" messages that were unfortunately omitted in Bry's last post. It was accidental, I assure you. I would like to thank Brett/Bert/Bort Wilshe, Alissa Dittamo, and Mr. Anthony Hansen for all of their help. Alissa has made a totally kick-ass logo for us! Anthony and Brett have generally been very supportive, and have also agreed to help us out with promoting ourselves at comic-con.

For your patience I feel you deserve more than what is included in this post thus far.

Here is a quick sketch for one of the posters and the image I might use as my bio-picture thing on the website.  Let us know if you have any thoughts on our work! Thanks again!

This last image is my possible bio pic. I think it is pretty accurate.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god! That was so sweet! I love you, Katy. And I think that bio is indeedally accu-rite and quite awesomely righteous.
