Monday, September 10, 2012


Another old notebook comic drawn during biochem

The actual webpage is...sort of, mostly, close to, in the proximity of being finished It is functional, but looks like a big old butt. While the layout is what I'd like it to be, I'm focusing this week on making it aesthetically pleasing and logically organized So, for now, let's call it 85%. Once it is 100%, I'm going to organize the experience into a brief summary that might be helpful to another prospective webcomic.  Until then, here is a very helpful blog I found that will probably be of more substance for the actual website-building experience:

Jason Smith, an illustrator and graphic artist, has a very useful series of posts pertaining specifically to webcomics found here: I do not know him at all personally, but his posts have been a useful reference when I'm get stressed to the point that mah brain stop havin useful thinks.

Katy made that useful post about her artistic process. I truly wish I could do the same, but I don't know if my writing process could even be called a "process". It usually involves a great deal of monitor-staring, then writing something down as soon as I can capture a proper scene into words. When writer's block starts to creep up on me, I try and circumvent it with whiskey. That's not something I feel comfortable with recommending...

Concerning my own illustrative process, one could likely learn what not to do. Honestly, look at the above image if you are in need of a visual reference; those yellow, yellow lines are there because I had a horrible scanner that with a great deal of electrical interference. I now have a relatively scanner. There should be an emphasis on "relatively", because Katy was incredulous at its lack of utility when she was forced to use it a few posts ago. Apparently my version of photoshop is also several paces short of useful to an artist...

As such, I'm going to stick to commenting on the story-making process in later posts; that's the area I feel comfortable executing and commenting on. I feel no shame in admitting that I have the illustrative ability of a sloth with both paws stuck in pickle jars.

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