Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Keep Going! Last Day of Comic Con and Beyond!

Ahoy Friendly Friends,

Below you'll find the last of our Comic Con footage posted. I realize it's a bit silly how long I've stretched it out, but in many way it still feels like the event was only two weeks ago. Honestly, it feels like we haven't slowed down since we started preparing for the convention. Putting out a weekly comic is a taxing process. Currently, we're a moment where a number of our prepared panels are several pages ahead. This means Katy is more or less going at a rate of making a page a week. Once she's finished, the page gets tossed my way so that dialogue can be written up in time for the Wednesday update. The quality is still good, and the motivation is still running high, but we are pooped by the end of every day.

Little by little, we're getting faster and better at this. I know a year from now, we'll probably look back in disgust at ourselves for how we're doing things now. In the nearer future, we are going to have some great action followed by a revealing look at some of our comic's backstory. During all of this, somehow we're also preparing for the holidays, working our day jobs, applying to schools, petting our pets, and finding some spare time to feel like human beings.

Anyway, with this final Comic Con footage, I'll be going into what Kid's Day was like for us at the event. Honestly, we didn't think we would gather much attention as our comic is geared to an older audience. However, there are evidently quite a few people who go to Kid's Day for business reasons as well as taking their children out for a larf. We had also given away just about everything we could, but our friend Jessica O'brien was kind enough to loan us her button maker. This worked out quite nicely, because BUTTONS ARE FOR ALL AGES!

Lastly, Brennan Lee Mulligan of the webcomic Strong Female Protagonist was kind enough to sit down for a brief interview. The comic is quite new, but has made a very impressive start. Brennan talked to us about the decision to create a webcomic with the artist, Molly Ostertag, offered insight into the advantages of a web-based comic, and what the experience has been like for them so far. Both were super nice and helpful during the event, and Strong Female Protagonist is an original comic with consistently high quality art, dynamic writing, and an engaging plot. You can and should check it out at

Thanks for following us! We'll continue to throw updates and comics at your faces!

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