Here's the thing, sometimes you get some fun surprises after you post a rage-y, cagey rant about not a table application being denied. Turns out, enough people cancelled, and we were fortunate to have our application selected. As quickly as possible, Katy and I sent out the paperwork and money, and have been planning our set-up all weekend. Our efforts have been of the hasty variety over the past couple of months, but we have to start running like our asses are haunted.
Previously, I stated very generally that our typical system is as follows: Bry write script; Katy make pictures; and Bry put all the word talkin' in the panels. In doing so, there was a very important detail glossed over; namely that Katy's step of the process takes a tremendous amount of time and effort. Writing and drawing are both creative endeavors, and are difficult and taxing in similar and dissimilar ways. However, there is the the simple fact that it is easier to punch words on a keyboard than to draw a beautiful Chicago rebel knifing around.
With a good portion of the first volume written, the plan is for me to focus more on getting a website started and taking advantage of as many social media outlets as possible. Wordpress seems like a practical and user-friendly tool to get better-acquainted with, and it seems as though I'll be jumping late onto the twitter train. All the while, Katy is going to keep cranking out awesome shit like this:
Just like this creepy smile, we're quite giddy over how events have turned. It goes to show that effort and a quality product can overcome a lack of experience and credentials...also luck...mostly loads of luck. We are going to cram our happy, happy half-table full of content and quality.Thank you to everyone who has followed this blog so far, and I assure you we'll have some great updates shooting out and about, all over the walls very soon!
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